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Use one of following ways to find desired product:
A. Select items from categories:
• choose scale (gauge),
• choose a category,
• choose the item.
B. Using Search button:
Search items by any word or number in item’s name or description in any language. Letter case doesn’t matter.
Using the store
Ordering is both easy and secure. For every orderable item use the Shopping cart icon to add that item to your shopping cart. You can review cart contents any time. Putting items in your Shopping cart does not commit you to buying them. In the upper right corner in the shopping cart You see total price for chosen items including discounts and shipping costs. Choose delivery country first. You can change quantity of items to be ordered by pressing plus and minus icons next to the quantity. If You can’t see the plus, it means that we do not have more of this item. You can remove any items from the cart by clicking the cross to the right. Shipment costs are calculated automatically in accordance with land mail tariffs. For a small additional cost choose delivery by air mail, recommended for long distance. We strongly recommend using insured priority mail.
Item availability
We make every effort to assure accurate availability indication. Nevertheless inaccuracies cannot be completely ruled out. Should you order unavailable item, it will be put to your Backorder list. These items will be shipping to You upon their availability to special reduced delivery price. It can also be combined with Your next order.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, notices or concerns regarding
our shop, please feel free to contact us by e-mail.